Carolin Bouchard attended Aurora High School from 1991-1996 where she developed a passion for the sport of basketball captaining the Golden Eagles Basketball team. From there she went on to captain Team Ontario in 1994 and 1995 earning the Most Valuable Player (MVP) in the 1996 National Finals. In 1999 Carolin Bouchard captain the Canadian Women’s Basketball team to a Silver Medal in the 1999 Pan Am Games. Carolin Bouchard was inducted into the Boston College Sports Hall of Fame in 2006 and the Aurora Sport Hall oF Fame in 2014. You can learn more details by visiting the Aurora Sport Hall of Fame site here:
52 Pick Me Up is a community-based sports heritage project celebrating the year of Sport in Aurora.
Through the collaborative effort between The Aurora Heritage Authority, the Aurora Museum & Archives, Boulevard Design, Sport Aurora and the Aurora Sport Hall of Fame a set of collectable cards will be released weekly at a variety of events and locations throughout the Town of Aurora. The distribution point for each card will be published in The Auroran and here on the community FOCUS site.
Pick a card, any card, collect them all!
Card of the Week : Queen of Spades
The Aurora Rotary
This week’s card featuring Carolin Bouchard has been sponsored by the Aurora Rotary Club. The Rotary Club of Aurora was founded in 1951. Rotary clubs bring together dedicated individuals to exchange ideas, build relationships, and take action. Together, Rotary Clubs, Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation work to make lasting improvements in our communities and around the world.
If you are interested in getting in the game and sponsoring a card, a hand or even an entire suit please contact any of the partners as to existing opportunities.
Partner Profile: Sport Aurora’s mission is to support and develop sport in our community by advocating on behalf of our member organizations in order to build capacity, increase participation, enhance integration and celebrate excellence. Currently Sport Aurora represents the 27 sport organizations with a volunteer base of over 2,500 and a player base that approaches 10,000 people from the ages of 3 to 80 years of age in both genders.