Monday, February 10, 2025

Steel Lunch Pail – 52 Pick Me Up Card of the Week

The moms of the late 1800s originated the idea of the school lunch packed in a metal box, sending their children off each morning with a sandwich wrapped in paper and packed in a recycled tobacco or biscuits tin.  The first commercial lunch box (steel lunch pail) finally appeared on the market in 1935.  A fine example of this is the red metal lunch pail on display now at The Aurora Museum & Archives exhibit A Legacy of Sport. This lunch pail was manufactured by the Owens-Illinois Can Company which specialized in fine lithography for a wide variety of tins, this one is adorned with a sports motif. The battered condition indicates it was put to good use here in town likely at many a sporting event.

52 Pick Me Up is a community-based sports heritage project celebrating the year of Sport in Aurora.

Through the collaborative effort between The Aurora Heritage Authority, the Aurora Museum & Archives, Boulevard Design, Sport Aurora and the Aurora Sport Hall of Fame a set of collectable cards will be released weekly at a variety of events and locations throughout the Town of Aurora. The distribution point for each card will be published in The Auroran and here on the Living in Aurora site.

Pick a card, any card, collect them all!

Card of the week : The Ace of Spades

Steel Lunch Pail

Aurora Rotary Club

This week’s card the Steel Lunch Pail has been sponsored by the Aurora Rotary Club. The Rotary Club of Aurora was founded in 1951. Rotary clubs bring together dedicated individuals to exchange ideas, build relationships, and take action. Together, Rotary Clubs, Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation work to make lasting improvements in our communities and around the world.

If you are interested in getting in the game and sponsoring a card, a hand or even an entire suit please contact any of the partners as to existing opportunities.

Partner Profile: Boulevard Design is a graphic design and communications studio with over 25 years of experience. Our Approach is straightforward and concise regardless of the size of the project, we’ll work to effectively communicate your message. We’ve earned a solid reputation for consistent performance, respecting timelines and budgets to deliver results seamlessly.


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