Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Merely Constructing the Ice Rink Is Not Enough to Ensure Its Success

Unpredictable weather and mild winters often shorten the outdoor skating season. While seasonal outdoor ice skating rinks provide a valuable recreational option, there is...

Intriguing Building, 15297 Yonge Street

Very little can be found about this intriguing building located at 15297 Yonge Street, little North of Centre Street. This is the only excerpt I...

Aurora Old Library Demolition – Well this stinks!

We were at the demolition site of the Aurora Old Library at 56 Victoria Street almost every day during the holiday week after Christmas....

Live Concerts in Aurora

Concerts in the Park – DESIRE The International U2 Tribute Act

It has been a while since I heard 80s music. Last night at the Aurora's Concerts in the Park it was a must see concert. DESIRE - The International U2 Tribute Act rocked our Town Park with many familiar songs from the past. Songs from the famous 1980s; my...

Aurora’s Concerts in the Park, A Tribute to the Tragically Hip

Last Wednesday on July 29 The Wheat Kings took over the band-shell to pay a tribute to "The Tragically Hip" band. Great performance! There is this group on Facebook called I Grew Up in Aurora. Members of the group obviously lived in Aurora or are from Aurora and now living...

Town of Aurora Events

Aurora’s Haunted Forest – Fortnite Included

"I know they're not real," then she said, "you can't scare me," while walking through the candy shop. Kudos to this little brave person....

Living in Aurora Social


Aurora POLITICS Unleashed

where facts matter

Aurora Ward System

Aurora Ward System – As Decided by Council

Aurora ward system implementation for the 2022 Municipal Elections is now completed following the passing of the by-law on ward boundaries on July 14,...

If There Is a Place for Contemplation, This Is It – The Aurora Community Arboretum

I’ve got so much to tell you, and I think I know the perfect place to begin: here. Recently, I’ve been out more than...

Explore Aurora

Doors Open Aurora 2015, a Visit to Aurora Readiness Centre

This is our first year attending Doors Open Aurora with our seven year old and first time visiting Aurora Readiness...

“In 1832 On This Spot Nothing Happened”

A small plaque mounted on one of the wooden bridges over the creek that runs through the St. Andrew's...

Boardwalk Views – McKenzie Marsh, St. John’s Sideroad

Boardwalk along St. John's Sideroad. Anna Lozyk RomeoAurora, Ontario

Green, Very Green in the Aurora Community Arboretum

Green, very green in the Aurora Community Arboretum. My work was somehow rudely interrupted by a mouse. That not...

Wild Turkeys Sighting on St. John’s Sideroad

St. John's Sideroad west of Yonge Street, near the entrance to future St. Anne's School for Girls. More Wild Turkey...

Starlings and More Starlings, Wellington St and Bayview Ave

Something has been attracting a flock of European Starlings to the Wellington and Bayview intersection area I heard. Well...

Boardwalk Views – McKenzie Marsh, St. John’s Sideroad

Boardwalk along St. John's Sideroad. Anna Lozyk RomeoAurora, Ontario

Merlin’s Hollow, English Flower Garden Awaken

Merlin's Hollow, the English flower garden - is my annual local destination where I bring almost all of my...

The Fields of Gold, Renewed Signs of Strength and Hope

It is hard to believe that the Aurora Community Arboretum is about two decades old; a beautiful parkland stretch located...

Merlin’s Hollow, An English Garden in Aurora After the Rain

Another great photo journey on June 13, 2015 through the Merlin's Hollow, an English garden in Aurora, a collection...