It is nice that we don’t have to travel long distances to have fun especially at the splash pad, and now especially with the high gas prices, walking and visiting locals in Aurora is even more encouraging. I think it is a good thing.
Well, there are a lot of things to do here in our Town and so little time for just one day. I had three things on my list to visit today in Aurora: the Great Canadian Cat Show at the Aurora Community Centre, Sheppard’s Bush, and the Farmer’s Market.
Why the cat show? I don’t know, but I thought I would practice some indoor photography. However, will my little boy enjoy it? Probably not this time. Sheppard’s Bush – who does not like to walk the trails in the shade, but there are always mosquitoes. The Farmer’s Market never fails – and guess what, the splash pad at the Town Park playground is OPEN for the summer.

We didn’t bring any extra clothes for Matthew since we thought it might be too cold. Cold in the summer? Oh boy, I was wrong. He played at the playground and occasionally watched children play in the water. I gave in. I could just see in his eyes that he wanted to be there and play. We all love water on a hot summer day, how could we let him miss that opportunity.

Children are amazing. I really enjoy watching them when they have so much freedom playing. Combined with the right weather conditions, water is the number one fun resource – so simple, yet it encourages creativity and fun when playing.
Whoops, looks like someone just got splashed in the face.

Speaking of creativity, in the picture below, a little girl is trying hard to capture the water in the pink bucket. At first, she waited for it to stop shooting, and then she covered it up and waited for the water to come back in order to capture it in the bucket and not let it go out. I watched her a couple of times, and she was quite successful, yet she brought others to observe too. Sometimes I wonder, how many toys children need. A little less brings out creativity and innovation.

Oh, this one in the pink dress was so adorable.

There will be a lot of “ohs” in this post today. Oh, for this little girl playing in the water (photo below). She is such a doll and a trooper. Walking off the splash pad, she slipped and scraped her knee. I didn’t hear a cry.

Oh, oh and here comes my Superman, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Super Hero, my bundle of joy – Matthew. We took off his shoes and let him play. I just said, “let him go, the clothes will dry out.” No matter where we are, Matthew always enjoys himself to the fullest, and I am glad that I am able to capture those moments because we just have too many of them every day to remember.

When I don’t take pictures, I record moments like that in my notebook. Last night we were at Hamilton Park. There was nobody there when we arrived. Soon three boys arrived, and here comes my boy yelling: “Hi boys! How are you doing?” At some point he came up to them and sang the ABC song, and then asked “Do you know your ABCs, boys?” They just looked at him and smiled. Well, they were at least 10 years old or older so they better know their ABCs. For the record, Matthew is three years old.
Sometimes it is hard for me to fit my one day of good experiences in one post. Stay tuned for more of my eventful day today, this time at the Farmer’s Market.