The Armoury is now open to the public. It has been open for lunches and brunches in the last few months, but it’s my understanding that this was the first time that the Armoury was open for an official Town event. It happened to be for the Arctic Adventure event, the annual Family Day event here in Aurora. After all, Family Day turned out to be a beautiful and warm day for this time of the year – sun, blue skies and a white snow blanket still covering the ground. We have attended almost every year for many years now, and I remember there were some really cold Family Days as well. However, I must say it is always a well attended event regardless of the weather.
We visited Town Park this year, but our family dynamics are changing. As a family we seem to be past the point where we are participating in the activities for younger children. Shows are always fun to watch and food always tastes better outside, at least for me. Skating was an option. The playground was filled with children and the little tots were running around, sliding, swinging or hugging the alligators (at the playground).

Now, about the Aurora Armoury, which is now called The Armoury – this year Town Park changed quite a bit on the northeast side of the park because of The Armoury. You can see it for yourself from the photos down below, the appearance both outside and inside. There were a few more cosmetic touches done on the inside since our visit a few months back in November of last year – mainly an additional photo mural on the south side wall.
If you would like to see how the building looked a few years ago, check this post from the 2016 Family Day event Aurora Arctic Adventure 2016 at Aurora’s Historic Town Park and the building in the midst of renovations can be seen here – Aurora Armoury, The Inside Job. Also note, “In 2014, Town of Aurora purchased this historical building located on the corner of Mosley Street and Larmont Street from the federal government and in 2017 Town Council approved $4 million in the 2018 capital budget to renovate the inside and restore the outside of the Armoury.” The final numbers for the building restoration have yet to be published by the Town.

The historic wall mural on the south upper wall was added since my last visit in November 2019 when The Armoury was first opened to the public for viewing. Earlier that month there was a grand opening for Niagara College’s Canadian Food and Wine Institute (CFWI) in The Armoury. The grand opening was by invitation only.

Below, the view from within The Armoury looking west at Town Park.

The weather cooperated as you can see. The park was filled with families, especially young families with small children. We missed most of the activities in Town Park that day but as always, it’s fun to drop by for a short amount of a time and enjoy the community we live in.

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, Ontario