Friday, September 13, 2024

Aurora’s Concerts in the Park, A Tribute to the Tragically Hip

Last Wednesday on July 29 The Wheat Kings took over the band-shell to pay a tribute to “The Tragically Hip” band. Great performance! There is this group on Facebook called I Grew Up in Aurora. Members of the group obviously lived in Aurora or are from Aurora and now living outside of Aurora. I didn’t grow up in Aurora, but the moderator did accept me to the group. Once, not sure what one of the members implied by sending me this message, “did you actually grow up in Aurora?” However, my reply obviously was no, but I can tell you this much, when I moved to Aurora after a few years Aurora grew on me. I am still here.

These members exchange a lot of memories and pictures. So one day someone posted an old picture of the Town Park band-shell. I thought it was kind of cool looking, that light blue colour is still stuck in my head. I never got to see it. I never knew that we had one before the current one. And as one of my blogging and Facebook friends Michael pointed out, concerts used to be on Sundays.

Tragically Hip

Some of you already may know, that throughout the summer on Wednesday evenings starting at 7 pm, at the Town Park, Aurora has a series of Concerts in the Park. So far, I got to attend two. Good crowds; just sitting and chilling. Eating snacks. Children come out to dance, run or hop-hop around.

“There’s nothing to compare to live music, there just isn’t anything.” ~ Gloria Gaynor

Tragically Hip

Last Wednesday on July 29 The Wheat Kings took over the band-shell to pay a tribute to “The Tragically Hip” band. Great performance even though I am not that familiar with The Tragically Hip songs. And guess what the Mayor announced, that two Canadian rock bands Chilliwack and The Spoons will perform at Aurora’s Ribfest in September. I don’t really know either of the two bands. I was hoping that the Town would consider bringing back Glass Tiger (since their show was canceled last year due to bad weather), but it looks like the Town considered something else, admission charges – so the Ribfest concerts will no longer be free.

Tragically Hip
Tragically Hip
Tragically Hip

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON


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