A senior lady came to the Pioneer booth and told Katherine Belrose, “Oh, my mother used to have one of those.” She pointed in the direction of the spinning wheel and a woman spinning the woollen yarn.

It looks like the pioneer presentation at the Aurora Farmers Market brought a lot of good memories to many who visited the pioneer booth.

I grew up in a quaint little town that dates back to the 14th century, with a population of around 3,000 people. It’s crazy to think about how much technology has changed in just 35 years. I remember making butter with a butter churn, cleaning carpets with a carpet beater, making our own cheese, washing clothes on a washboard, and now here I am sitting in front of a computer blogging. These were all common practices in my family when I was growing up. It’s amazing how far we’ve come!

If we treasure our own experience and regard it as real, we must also treasure other people’s experience.
John Charles Polanyi
I have seen a spinning wheel many times, but that was regional. The production of wool yarns was primarily carried out by residents living in the mountains with sheep farms. In our region, flax farms were prevalent for the manufacturing of linen and flax seeds. By the time of my birth, our town had already established a linen processing factory.

Pioneer women
At some point, I found myself mesmerized in Katherine’s booth and I was capturing moments that were once a reality in my life – the butter, the washboard. Now, maybe some can see why I treasure the Petch log house so much.