Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Meeting Batman at the Aurora Farmers Market Today! Living in Aurora!

Meeting Batman at the Aurora Farmers Market today!

He expresses how he feels.

Matthew are you okay? What are you doing?” I asked.
Mom it’s very annoying when you keep asking me all the time,” he replies.
Matthew when you ask me for a toy a million times, that’s annoying too,” I added smiling.
I guess we are both annoying then,” he replied.

He has suggestions.

Mom why can’t we trade, you know like trading for things instead of using money?” Matthew asked one day.

He has questions.

Dad, what does that do?” Matthew asked about the shift stick in Dad’s car.

He teaches what he learns.

Let’s go, I will teach you how to play piano,” Matthew to his Dad.

He admits, even if it took us one hour to tell him he WILL have FUN.

Oh I had so much fun today,” Matthew, after meeting Batman at the Aurora Farmer’s Market, and swinging in the rain at the Town Park playground.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market

“Our journey is never ending.”

Today was the first day of Aurora Farmers Market at the Town Park. Today is the last day that Matthew will be an eight year old (he calls it his Birthday Eve) and he can’t wait to be a nine year old tomorrow. Not many know, but this blog was created around the time he was born. This Living in Aurora blog idea was born because of Matthew, for the purpose of living in the community, playing in the community and learning about our Town of Aurora community.

I must admit, our journey is never ending.

Farmers Market

And then he asks again.

Why do they call that thing we just passed by a Big Bike?” Matthew asked on the way home.

And the explanation followed.

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON


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