Monday, February 10, 2025

THE AURORAN Newspaper Youngest Reader

My post has nothing to do with little engines, but it relates to how wonderful little minds are.

The inspiration to write this post today came from reading Christopher Watts’s latest post, ‘Weekly Inspiration: The Little Engine That Could’. My post has nothing to do with little engines, but it relates to how wonderful little minds are. Sitting side by side, we finished our breakfast – eggs, toast, and cucumber. Then I moved on to reading The Auroran, and Matthew moved on to play with his Iron Man figurines. Still side by side.

The Auroran, Local Newspaper

At some point, I reminded him that today is his birthday. “You are 2 years old and 11 months,” I said. He smiled and asked if we could have some cupcakes. I smiled back, and we both moved on with our things. I continued to read, and he continued to play. At some point, I whispered, “We can have some pretend happy birthday cake and sing the happy birthday song.

McKenzie Marsh Boardwalk

A few minutes passed…

– “Mommy, look look what’s says here,” Matthew asked suddenly.

– “Mommy, look PLAY,” Matthew confirmed again while looking at The Auroran newspaper.

I realized that Matthew was reading over my shoulder.

– “Show me where is the PLAY,” I asked.

– “Here,” and he pointed at the PAY word.

– “Oh yes, but Matthew, it reads PAY, there is no L in here,” he listened as I explained.

– “See, it says Town will pay all legal bills to late December,” I read for him as he continued to listen.

– “You know what Pay means, you pay with Master Card for things you buy,” I said and he nodded.

We moved again. Matthew continued to play with his toys, and I continued to read The Auroran. When I got to page nine and was reading an article by Scott Johnston, I realized again that Matthew was reading over my shoulder.

– “Mommy, look PLAY says over there,” he stated.

– “Matthew, you are so right, yes it says Play here,” he smiled and nodded his head as I confirmed.

– “Here, Matthew, it reads as follows: Theatre’s latest is a play within a play,” he smiled and moved on with his playing.

Not even three years old and he is motivated to learn how to read. I guess there will be no pretend happy birthday cake today. We are going to celebrate and indulge in the healthy oatmeal apple chocolate muffins, and we did. Matthew is also a great helper.

It is really fun to be a parent.


Michael said: April 7, 2011 at 19:07

Anna: I’ve attempted to update the link from blog to yours. However, it cannot find the RSS feed to keep up with new entries. The way the blogroll on my site and your former one on blogger works is each link to a blog also has the last time it was updated and the title of the new post.

So because my blog cannot find the RSS feed it doesn’t update your blog’s position for updates. So currently the link sits at the bottom of the list. I’ve looked through your site and cannot find the appropriate link to solve this problem. Is there a (example from my friend’s website: link to use? Just curious as I imagine other bloggers may have similar issues with the new layout. – Michael


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