Saturday, October 5, 2024


McKenzie Marsh

Great Blue Heron in Flight, McKenzie Marsh Boardwalk

It seemed like the Great Blue Heron at the McKenzie Marsh was not having a good time finding a fishing spot. Upon a short...

Aurora ON Year 2019 in Photos, Visual Changes

Today I am going to share with you some of the changes that took place in the Town of Aurora ON in year 2019...

McKenzie Marsh Changing Landscape

The McKenzie Marsh property on St. John's Sideroad in Aurora has been sold and landscaping behind the pond began sometime in May. Changes can...

Birding at the Aurora Boardwalk, St. John’s Sideroad, Wildlife Sprung Back

Today birding at the Aurora boardwalk on St. John's sideroad. Birds are in a full swing, hovering over our gardens, trails and perhaps every...

Plain Simple Duck Talk – Do Not Litter

What happened to the Canada Geese? I have noticed that around the McKenzie Wetland, the Atkinson Wetland and the Nokiidaa Trail Link boardwalk on...

At McKenzie Wetland, Best-est Time We Had Together Walking

McKenzie Wetland - how about writing a bit about this nature place and Aurora's gem? Overload encountered. Often I get a sudden surge of...

St. John’s Sideroad Road Widening and Reconstruction, 2004

Peter Cameron's pictures from 2004 of the St. Johns Sideroad reconstruction project certainly bring back memories. What was once a two lane, non illuminated,...

Brave Runner On The Boardwalk, Do I See Naked?

The runner ran barefoot along the boardwalk. Yesterday, we were enjoying a peaceful time along the Nokiidaa Trail Link boardwalk just before lunch when we...

Wildlife Camouflaged, The Best Of First Observation Deck & Deceived

"Fast, fast, the flying Great blue heron! Over there, look over there!" she directed me. "Here, do you see the Green heron? Come here. Can...

Do We Have A Name? Nokiidaa Trail Link New Boardwalk

The weather this past week was totally unpredictable. According to the forecast, today, tomorrow, and the rest of the week were supposed to be...

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