Saturday, October 5, 2024



Short Boardwalk (Kwik Kopy Trail), Long Story

I should have known that when I was writing a Letter to the Editor of The Auroran that I was actually writing to the...

Great Blue Heron in Flight, McKenzie Marsh Boardwalk

It seemed like the Great Blue Heron at the McKenzie Marsh was not having a good time finding a fishing spot. Upon a short...

Boardwalk Views – McKenzie Marsh, St. John’s Sideroad

Boardwalk along St. John's Sideroad. Anna Lozyk RomeoAurora, Ontario

Birding at the Aurora Boardwalk, St. John’s Sideroad, Wildlife Sprung Back

Today birding at the Aurora boardwalk on St. John's sideroad. Birds are in a full swing, hovering over our gardens, trails and perhaps every...

Where Did All The Turtles Go? Autumn, Nature’s Accents & Abstract

Last week, I read a story about the 30-pound turtle that was saved in Aurora by the Hadley Grange residents and the police. I...

Brave Runner On The Boardwalk, Do I See Naked?

The runner ran barefoot along the boardwalk. Yesterday, we were enjoying a peaceful time along the Nokiidaa Trail Link boardwalk just before lunch when we...

Do We Have A Name? Nokiidaa Trail Link New Boardwalk

The weather this past week was totally unpredictable. According to the forecast, today, tomorrow, and the rest of the week were supposed to be...

Section Of The Nokiidaa Trail Link Completed, A Strange Encounter

The fence is down and Nokiidaa Trail Link access is finally granted after many months of hard work. Without any notice, last weekend the...

Nokiidaa Trail Link, The Observation Deck Is Up

For those who do not have the chance to follow the progress of the Nokiidaa Trail Link through the marsh, I thought I would...

Roadkill or Roadkill Not

I consider Canada goose to be very lucky not to be the 'roadkill' on the St. John's Sideroad. They move freely from one side...

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