Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mayor’s Budget 2024 Aurora Part-Time Sport Tourism Programmer Salary Was Set at $68,300

In the 2024 Mayor’s budget, under the new Strong Mayor Powers, it is unusual that Mayor Mrakas included a part-time Sport Tourism Programmer position with a salary of $68,300. Did Mayor Mrakas even question the appropriateness of the salary for a part-time role before presenting it to Council? Unfortunately, it seems he did not, and had no one raised the concern, this item may have gone unnoticed.

Cllr. Weese requested that this salary item be removed from the budget, suggesting that the “position be deferred until a business plan and KPIs for the role are established, allowing us to make a successful hire.”

Both Cllr. Gaertner and Cllr. Gallo questioned the salary for a part-time position with a 28-hour workweek and the required qualifications: “a post-secondary education and experience in sports and/or the recreational field, typically requiring two to three years of experience.” Cllr. Kim was not in favour of the position, but in the end, he was the only one to vote against Cllr. Weese’s budget amendment. It’s unclear why Cllr. Kim changed his position.

Interestingly, Cllr. Thompson expressed reservations about the position and inquired about the possibility of using Strong Mayor Powers to revisit the programmer salary later in the year. He asked, “With respect to the new budget process under the new rules, is it possible to make in-year budget adjustments?” The solicitor responded, “We are still trying to sort that out. The legislation is specific on certain types of in-year budget changes, but it’s not entirely clear. We’re still working on understanding which types of adjustments may be made.” It’s worth noting that both Cllr. Thompson and Cllr. Kim supported the strong mayor powers for Mayor Mrakas.

In the end, Cllr. Weese’s amendment passed, and the part-time position with the high salary was removed from the budget.

Lastly, I want to highlight the contrast between the debate over this part-time position and the council compensation review discussion. If you’re unaware, Mayor Tom Mrakas publicly criticized his Council for requesting a compensation increase. He even went so far as to fund social media advertisements to amplify the act of shaming.

You can watch a comparison here: the first part is from the October 24, 2023, Council meeting, and the second part, starting at 5:37, is from the November 27, 2023, Special Meeting of Council.

Special Meeting of Council, November 27, 2023 | 7.2 Cllr Weese; Re: Budget 2024 Amendment 002 – Sport Tourism Programmer

“That the $68,300.00 cost of a new part-time sport tourism programmer be removed from the 2024 budget.” | Moved by Councillor Weese | Seconded by Councillor Gilliland

Agenda: https://pub-auroraon.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=b97a4e95-28f7-4ee4-a63a-86166abb8ea0&Agenda=Merged&lang=English

Meeting Minutes: https://pub-auroraon.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=14532

Discussion, motion amendments and vote (carried) – see below – Part-Time Sport Tourism Programmer Salary.

Watch here at 1:52:06.

Discussion Transcribed

Cllr Weese: “My other discussion with residents uncovered another common theme, which is a hiring of personnel that has long-term financial consequences as they appear directly on the tax levy now and they will in the future. So under Tab 8, when I was reviewing it in the capital budget the item exists on page 11 that asks for a part-time sport tourism programmer at $68,300. Notwithstanding that’s a big sum for a part-time person. We’ve heard numerous times how the sport community development specialist has done a remarkable job on sport tourism and done a good job in bringing in supporting sporting events to the Town and we thank her for that work. Of course sport tourism is important part of tourism as a subcategory and Aurora has a strong and dynamic sport culture and it’s positioned well for success. I know that a sport tourism strategy has been prepared, but it stays that no formal approach yet exist to understand the impacts of this from an economic social or a sustainability point of view. So I asked the Mayor to defer this position to a time when adequate consultation with stakeholders and staff, the public, including the Chamber of Commerce, local sport organizations and their sponsors, and other non Chamber of Commerce businesses, so that can be accomplished and that other successful models are reviewed in like-size municipalities in any new position providing a strong base from which to work is important. So I also believe that a successful hire in this position would benefit from a solid business plan from which to follow and the KPIs included. So I’m asking that this position be deferred until a business plan and KPIs for the position are established so we can make it a successful hire. Mrs.

Notwithstanding, that’s a big sum for a part-time person

Cllr Thompson: “Through you Mr. Mayor, to Ms. McDougall. Ms. McDougall has typically requested of these, there’s usually a rationale behind it. Would you mind taking a moment to explain why you feel it’s needed in the 2024 Budget?”

Robin McDougall, Director, Community Services: “Certainly, with regards to this position being tabled today, we have definitely seen success in having our Sport and Community Development specialist be part of our program. We have since that time though approved a sport tourism strategy ___ our staff has done a fantastic job bringing some tourist sporting events to our community. It will mean as well and it already has happened where some of the actions within the sport plan will have to be put on pause while they focus on these, the larger Grandeur events. So there’s a bit of a two-fold scenario for the ability to support wholeheartedly support plan, and not do the sport tourism strategy is fine, but then and we wouldn’t need this position. If the sports tourism strategy is a focal point and we wish to implement it, we need the support. We unfortunately don’t have enough for what is involved and we’re not just simply talking local tournament support, which is only it’s part of the role this individual would have. Is to look at those opportunities that bring the tourism through Aurora much like the IHF, the college baseball event. Anything that’s potentially going to be bringing people from outside into Aurora. It is supported in our Economic Development action plan, to see and promote tourism here in Aurora, this position and those sporting events naturally our reality for that. We do see those interests and the figures that come in from hotel stays and restaurant uses and so on while they’re in Town. And so from in interest in this position it definitely would be developing those relationships with the local sports organizations, provincial and national and looking at opportunities for bidding for sporting events to come to Town and what the benefits are that certainly will spin off in our community. Not to mention as a sport community our own local sporting agencies will be part of those hostings. Much like we saw with the IHF where our Central York Girls were part of helping bring that forward. So it’s a win-win as far as the benefits to our community and having somebody that can be dedicated to in bringing those forward and bring them to Aurora would be beneficial not to mention to our current existing staff. So they can stay focused on the implementation of the sport plan.”

Cllr Thompson: “Again, is the assumption that this position comes on January first?”

McDougall: “Yes, starting January 1, but it is a part-time role.”

Cllr Thompson: “And I gather from your comments, if Council doesn’t support this and decides to put it off to a further year it just means certain initiatives would not be able to be carried through?”

McDougall: “Yes, certainly the development and support of our sport tourism strategy to its fullest would be limited. As far as how we can pursue that going forward without this position.”

Cllr Gallo: “I just want clarity on the amount. Just so that I understand $68,300 is a part-time position?”

McDougall: “Comparative to our other programmer positions, it is a part-time position pay rate, knowing that there’s also 17% benefits added on to that or included in that amount.”

Cllr Gallo: “And what’s the skill set of that $68,300 part-time position?”

McDougall: “We would look for them to have a post-secondary education and experience in sports and or recreational field, typically a two to three year experience for that type of role.”

Cllr Gallo: “Thank you. I just wanted the clarity on that.”

Cllr Gaertner: “Mr. Mayor, I was just going to inquire about the salary. So that’s $136,600 for a full-time position including benefits? I’m just doubling it. Is it part time position like a half-time?”

McDougall: “The number of hours is up to 28 hours a week versus 35, which is a full-time position.”

Cllr Gaertner: “As I said, I’m in the wrong job. Thank you.”

Cllr Kim: “Can you confirm what other municipalities within the GTA have tourism programmer?”

McDougall: “I’m not familiar with a sport specific tourism programmer. There may be one through the economic development. Going outside the GTA, I do believe there’s potentially somebody in a position rather in Whitby and then further out again the other way west side of Toronto. It’s not a not a common position though.”

Cllr Kim: “Thank you. I mean I know that staff would not recommend a position frivolously. I am sure that there was a need, it’s just hard for me to, you know, fathom the pros and cons or the risk/reward to the position at this time. I would like to see you know, something or clear evidence of the benefits of sports tourism programmer in another municipality to see what critical dividends that it’s paying over there. I mean, what’s the metrics for success after a year? You know, I’m thinking about Aurora Cultural Center, where they hired a business development officer and there’s a clear metric for that in terms of whether this person’s role is to be rationalized or not and I’m not sure how we can rationalize this position at the end of the year. And so it but it’s not that I don’t doubt that this role is important to the pursuit of sport tourism and especially in light of you know, we just approved the sports plan for subsequent years. They almost go hand in hand. I understand. I feel more comfortable with a contract role to see how that works out as opposed to a part-time position that is going to be on the books indefinitely until we decide otherwise. So as is I’m not in favor at this time, but be open-minded in the future.

Cllr Gaertner: “Mr. Mayor, I’m not aware that part-time staff gets benefits. Is this just for this position or has their policy changed?”

Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director, Finance: “So it’s a selection of benefits. Part-time employees are now eligible for OMERS, which is a significant cost within the benefits and then there are some other ones that are more legislated that get charged against part-time employees as well.“

Cllr Gaertner: “____ what I wanted to say Mr. Mayor. Thank you.”

Cllr Thomposon: “Actually through to you. With respect to the new budget process under the new rules is it possible to do in year budget adjustments?”

Mayor Mrakas: “They can come to the table.”

Patricia De Sario, Director, Corporate Services/Town Solicitor: “We are still trying to sort that out. The legislation is specific on some forms of in your budget, but it doesn’t fully make sense. So we’re still trying to sort out what type of in year budgets may be made.”

Cllr Thompson: “I’ll tell you why I raised the question. I agree with some of the comments around the table and concerns it’s just not clear to me about the value and moving forward with his position January 1. Maybe if it was July first, I’d be more open to it. Subsequent to a report coming back to us with a little bit more details. I know we used to do this in the old days for capital projects. We’ve highlighted as a yellow and conditional upon a report coming forward, but you know, I guess that’s where my thought is that at this point I’m leaning more towards no, because it just like to better understand the value of the position, but perhaps that could be done through staff writing some a little bit more additional information. I’m also thinking about the fact that you know, we’re embarking on a refresh of the sports plan. We’re still building out the gym on the SARC. We’re doing a bunch of different initiatives and maybe it’s a little premature to bring the person on right now. There might be more value bringing them on, like I said, on July 1st and so I’d be more apt to see a report from staff in the new year to kind of lay out a little bit more about the goals, the role in the objectives of the position and then should Council support it, then you’d started July 1st.”

Mayor Mrakas: “Any other comments or questions? ___ Seeing none, call the vote.”

1. “That the $68,300.00 cost of a new part-time sport tourism programmer be removed from the 2024 budget.

Yeas (6): Mayor Mrakas, Cllr Weese, Cllr Gilliland, Cllr Gaertner, Cllr Thompson, and Cllr Gallo

Nays (1): Cllr Kim

Amendment carried.


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