Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Doors Open Aurora Cultural Centre Or Doors Closed – Cultural Shock?

Once upon a time, and that time was last year, I reinvented my blog and made the move from Blogger to WordPress. I poured in all the little time I had, never quite anticipating the incredible return on investment that would follow. The result? Increased traffic, a growing subscriber list, new networking opportunities, exciting photo-shoot projects, thank yous, emails, comments, and an influx of fresh post ideas. My plan worked—but maybe just a little too well!

22 Church Street

The plan will remain the same for another year or so—slow growth. New inspirations, ideas, and post topics appear unexpectedly every day, and my own list of potential posts is quickly becoming outdated and irrelevant.

Some of you may know that I had the opportunity to visit and photograph the SOYRA show at the Aurora Cultural Centre. While I was there, I couldn’t resist capturing the Layers show by students from Sacred Heart as well.

Layers, Sacred Heart C.H.S Show

I received a personal thank you note from Luisa Capelet, the Arts Department Head at Sacred Heart C.H.S., for visiting, photographing, and blogging about the show. She wrote:

Your photographic eye is insightful and creative. Some really great photos in your portfolio. I also teach photography and am using the “blog” forum in the classroom. It is such an effective way to encapsulate ideas-words-images as well as evoke responses and reactions. Your blog site serves as a great example.

Layers, Sacred Heart C.H.S Art Show

I smiled when I read her note, and I wished I could think the same about myself. However, I really appreciated what she said about using a “blog.” Maintaining a blog regularly is no easy task, so I think I’ll give myself a little pat on the shoulder for keeping it going.

She also wrote in her note: “My students are really enjoying the Aurora Cultural Centre. It started with them acting as volunteers and since then they have been hooked. They felt an immediate connection and were well received. Funny how I randomly see them now and again as guests to art shows and programs.

Our show at the Aurora Cultural Centre had many lasting, positive effects on our students. I am grateful that the Centre was able to arrange for us to have some space. From my understanding the room was originally booked for a display that the Historical Society was going to have and when they no longer wanted to use it, it opened up space for us.

It was perfect timing. Many of my students are progressing with art and taking it in post secondary. The experience of showcasing in a gallery will remain as a strong element to their beginning successes in this area. Thank you for visiting our show.

So, the latest buzz in town is the potential motion to terminate the current agreement between the Aurora Cultural Centre and the Town of Aurora.

Aurora Cultural Centre

Recently, I’ve received a string of emails requesting my support and suggesting that I make the public aware of the Novita Report, also known as the Novita Study. You can download the report by clicking on the Strategic and Business Plan for the Aurora Heritage Centre under DELEGATIONS, Item 2. The report, which spans over 100 pages, was created by Novita Interpares and was adopted by the Council in August 2008.

As a result of this study, an Agreement was established, but now that agreement is in jeopardy. If it is terminated, I can’t even imagine the consequences. Will the doors be closed? I believe so, just as they were for the museum.

So, what did we learn from the museum’s closure? I think we learned how challenging it is to recover once the doors are shut. Do you think it will be easy to revive the cultural momentum if the doors are closed abruptly? I doubt it.

I’ve been asked for help, even though it wasn’t part of my blogging plan. My plan has always been to observe, take photographs, and write about what I see. I rarely state facts because others have already done that work for me. Instead, I share my opinions based on my observations, always acknowledging that I could be wrong. I share my experiences and support what I believe in.

Alright, I give in and will post the link to the Novita Study. I found many interesting things in there, especially when I scanned the report and checked the ACC website, only to find no events listed under Heritage. This just goes to show how challenging it can be to get back on your feet.

Show Case, Aurora Public Library

For the heritage aspect, I have to give credit to the Aurora Public Library for regularly presenting artifacts (oh, that Helen lady is really doing a great job). In the meantime, the only heritage at the ACC is the building itself.

Town Hall


Peter Jackson said: March 10, 2012 at 08:17

As a long time Aurora resident and fellow WordPress Blogger…..(that always sounds so rude to me.) Not sure I fully understand the furor over the Cultural Center. Surely the objective is not to consider shutting it down bur rather to establish better financial accountability. If we’re dealing with public money that’s not too much to ask.

Anna Lozyk Romeo said: March 10, 2012 at 21:15

Peter thank you for commenting. I am sure that everything will work out on the end to benefit all of us. Thanks for linking, I linked back.

Butterfly said: March 13, 2012 at 22:18

I will have to look into the finer details but I will say that my children have greatly benefited from the programs that the Aurora Cultural Centre offers. My family has enjoyed numerous exhibits without having to drive into *GASP* Tdot. My daughter adores the fine arts programs offered which is wonderful to have so close to home.

Anna Lozyk Romeo said: March 21, 2012 at 19:07

Thanks Valerie. No doubt that ACC is good in our community and even more so for youth.


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