Monday, February 10, 2025

Stoop and Scoop Pick Up After Your Pet

Something definitely needs to be done.

It was very nice weather and very inviting for a walk. I needed to do some grocery shopping that day, so we decided to go to Superstore. It is only about a 15-minute walk. It was kind of wet because the snow is still melting. We walked through Hamilton Park and down to the soccer field. Then, as I was enjoying my beautiful walk – nice sun, beautiful blue sky, fresh air – suddenly I freaked out. Searching for words to express myself and dancing around, especially in front of my three-year-old, I yelled, “Holy macaroni crap.” Yes, crap. I had stepped into a pile of dog poop. Disgusted and upset, I tried to enjoy the rest of my walk to the grocery store. Oh, and the stink? Never mind. I have a kid at home who now runs around and keeps repeating, “Holy macaroni crap, mommy stepped into dog poop.”

Dogs Must be Leashed and Under Control at All Times, Town of Aurora

I know that in other cities, if you don’t pick up the poop after your pet, there is a fine of $2,000. I decided to do some research on the by-laws in the Town of Aurora. I took a photo of the sign reminding dog owners to scoop after their pets. The message is very clear. The sign also reminded owners to keep dogs on a leash, which some do not practice at all. Once, I had a dog run after me and jump at me. The owner apologized and said he was just a puppy. Yes, to you, mister, but to me, he looked like a big, wild, crazy dog attacking me. Then, I had two big dogs charging at us until the owner started to yell at them. In both cases, the dogs were not on a leash.

Furthermore, I continued to search for by-law #4283-01.P listed on the sign as shown in the picture here. I was only able to find this page, which provides information on by-laws for pet licensing only. I am going to do a little more research in this area. Something definitely needs to be done.


Butterfly said: April 6, 2011 at 02:03

100% agreed. Pet owners need to have common courtesy and scoop up after their pets. My children enjoy playing in these green spaces and there are little dogie landmines everywhere. I frequently notice folks completely oblivious to curbing their pet also, which makes me thank my lucky stars that we don’t have a sidewalk on my side of the street.

Kris said: October 10, 2011 at 14:27

I’m having a similar problem where someone walking his or her dog chooses to get their dog to poop right on our front lawn and I have to scoop it. I have scooped now 6 times in last four days. He or she will definitely get upset when I have a word with them. I have owned a Rottweiler and never dare to even think of doing that to someone. I was also looking for some info on Town of Richmond Hill which just refers to Animal Control and then OSPCA. Just seems the person has no common courtesy and no respect for other people’s property. Today the dog poop was literally in front of our door on the lawn. Thinking of putting a camera on the front and video taping to find out exactly who it is.

Anna Lozyk Romeo said: October 10, 2011 at 15:13

Kris, thanks for visiting and commenting. Putting out a camera probably is not a bad idea. You can always use a wireless webcam too. In our subdivision, there is one guy that has one, not sure if it is for the same purpose. Having said that, I am just getting tired of stepping into it. The town should post fines right on the sign, maybe that will clue the clueless.


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