Monday, February 10, 2025

Aurora’s Haunted Forest – Fortnite Included

Where is the Slender Man?

I know they’re not real,” then she said, “you can’t scare me,” while walking through the candy shop. Kudos to this little brave person. You brought smiles to our faces!

Every year on the Saturday evening before Halloween, a small portion of Sheppard’s Bush is transformed into Aurora’s Haunted Forest. A fun Aurora event that brings thousands to wander through spooky trails and to enjoy fun activities. The warm bonfire is always a treat, after all it’s October. Believe it or not this year was our first encounter with snow during the event. The showcase of jack o’lanterns was spectacular. It is also an evening when the nocturnal creatures temporarily depart the ‘haunted‘ area. Thousands of footstep sounds, creepy screams, running generators – probably terrorizing for local animals. But the squirrels know better not to abandon their hidden nuts.

Most forests are naturally spooky, I have personally seen a few. They are even more creepy when one is lost. Around the world there are haunted forests for real. They have creepy stories and tales. As far as I’m aware, our Sheppard’s Bush is not known as a real haunted forest.  It’s a friendly trail visited and enjoyed by many people on regular days.

“I don’t believe my house was haunted. I think I had an overactive imagination, and I was so convinced that those around me became convinced, too.” – Ryan Gosling

Well, we are always excited to be back every year and walk through the hair-raising trail full of zombies. Jason you were back!!!

Enjoy Aurora’s Haunted moments right below. If you didn’t go, you can watch what you missed. If you did go, check out what you experienced. If you were part of Aurora’s Haunted Forest team, see your amazing work of art in action.

Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest

Every year there is a trend – the Skull Trooper from Fortnite was there, not one, but two! And there were others.

Haunted Forest

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON


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