Tuesday, February 11, 2025

SOYRA’s Successful 25th Anniversary Celebration: A Celebration of Art

The Society of York Region Artists (SOYRA) hosted an opening reception for their 25th-anniversary show and sale exhibition on January 21, 2012. If you’re in the area or have the opportunity, I highly recommend stopping by.

While photos speak volumes, they don’t capture the full experience. The art of over 60 talented artists is beautifully displayed across the first and second floors of the Aurora Cultural Centre, where it will remain on exhibit until February 4th.

Shawna Patenaude, Artist
Wet Apple – Green, Art by Shawna Patenaude

I arrived on time, and people began to trickle in, filling the rooms. I was excited to meet up with my favourite artist and guide for the day, Shawna Patenaude (emerge into light). This was my second time meeting her, and she was as warm and welcoming as ever. Shawna is also the executive secretary at SOYRA and played a key role in setting up the exhibit rooms for the event.

SOYRA 25th Anniversary Celebration Exhibit, Aurora Cultural Centre

The opening reception was set to begin in about forty-five minutes, giving me plenty of time to wander, explore, and, of course, take photos of the paintings and artwork. Sometimes, I wish I could wield a paintbrush like the artists do – it’s a skill and a unique talent that each artist possesses. But, in the end, I’m grateful that I can at least operate my camera.

Art by Herbert Pryke (Fall Reflection) and Zorica Miric (Red Connection)

Two paintings had already been sold, and the show hadn’t even officially opened yet. Coincidentally, one of the sold paintings, Red Connection, was by Zorica Miric, who had previously exhibited the same piece at the Skylight Gallery at the Town Hall. I had blogged about it back in November of the previous year in a post titled “Chores at the Town Hall, Skylight Gallery On The List Always“. Another face-to-face encounter!

The other amazing painting sold was by another great artist Herbert Pryke, Fall Reflections.

Isaac Petch House, Art by Jennifer Blacquiere

Something else caught my eye in the corner of the Red Gallery: a painting of the Isaac Petch House by Jennifer Blacquiere. At first, I thought it was a photograph because of the incredible detail captured. The brick, the vine, and the grass – everything about this painting felt so real.

It’s a shame that we’ll soon be saying goodbye to the real Isaac Petch House, as it is slated for demolition. That reminds me, I should follow up on the restoration of the log Petch House, which has been underway since last summer.

SOYRA New Logo

I had never heard of SOYRA before, so I wasn’t familiar with their logo. I guess it was time for a makeover, and now, for the next 25 years or more, SOYRA will have a new logo – a swatch wheel in the “O“. Personally, I think it’s a very nice and elegant design: not overwhelming, and it definitely represents the diversity and creativity of SOYRA members.

Nancy Newman, SOYRA President

I also had the pleasure of meeting some interesting people, including Nancy Newman, President of both the Toronto Watercolour Society (TWS) and the Society of York Region Artists (SOYRA). Nancy is also a talented watercolour artist. After visiting her website, I was truly impressed by her extensive portfolio, showcasing all of her past and current work.

Nancy Newman Speaking at the Opening Reception
Nancy Newman Speaking at the Opening Reception
Geoffrey Dawe, Mayor of Aurora

Thanks to the invitation, I felt much more comfortable taking pictures during the opening reception. It was truly a pleasure to be part of this event, and I was amazed by how, despite the size of the town, with over fifty thousand people, there are still so many special connections and friendships within the community.

Art works by the SOYRA Founders

At the front podium, three paintings were displayed by the original founders of SOYRA. The painting on the left was by Ann Armstrong, while the one on the right was created by her late husband. Ann Armstrong was also present at the reception.

Ann Armstrong, One of the Founders of SOYRA

Well, how can I possibly summarize this great event in one post? I think another blog post, or maybe even a few more, will follow. I’ll talk more about the magic on the walls and share my personal observations.

Zorica Miric Looking at Paintings, Aurora Cultural Centre

Note: I have submitted more pictures to be posted on SOYRA’s or Shawna’s Facebook page. Please visit there to check out additional event photos.

Antique Wagon, Art by Shawna Patenaude


Linda Welch said: January 25, 2012 at 10:09

We are so glad you came to our event at the Aurora Cultural Centre and included so many terrific photographs in your blog. A fun afternoon, a great resource for Aurorans and we loved having you!

Anna Lozyk Romeo said: February 1, 2012 at 00:27

Thank you Lynda for your nice comment. I really enjoyed the show, and it was a great experience. Hope to be part of more of those shows in Aurora.


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