Dashing through the crowds on Berkshire Drive, just meters away from Optimist Park playground, I walked over something that caught my eye. I stopped for a split second. Nah, let me take care of Canada Day fireworks first so I made a mental note to come back.

Today I was back. It took us almost an hour to get to this spot, but it was worth it to venture out despite the hot weather. The clouds and wind cooperated a few times, giving us the shade and breeze we needed on our little journey. Matthew had fun at the playground, and I found something beautiful. I am a big fan of children’s art, and that is what I stumbled upon last week.
They express happiness and freedom.

I could only make out two names: James and Lucas. I have a feeling that there might have been a third child and, of course, parents involved and enjoying doing the same. We had a thunderstorm on Saturday of that weekend, and heavy rain – the art is still there. They were probably using some type of acrylic paints. I hope the art will stay for a bit more time.

Children have different ways to express themselves through art. Their minds are filled with many ideas at the same time. Their little hands have a way of taking all the colours and making their creations flow in unity. They express happiness and freedom.
This is my second inspirational artwork this summer. The first one was the picnic tables in the Town Park artistically painted by 67 students across Aurora. I first saw them in front of the Town Hall when I dropped off my letter to the Accessibility Advisory, and then again when I was visiting the Farmers Market at the Town Park.
James said: July 5, 2011 at 23:45
“Awesome, Anna. Beautiful photos of these sidewalk masterpieces. True spirit in these.”
Anna Lozyk Romeo said: July 5, 2011 at 23:51
“Thanks James. I really enjoyed this one a lot.”