Monday, February 10, 2025



The Importance of Balance Between Growth and Preservation of the Natural Environment

“I’m not against development but …” is a phrase often echoed by residents who turn up at Town Hall with a long list of...

From Shining to Shameful – The Continued Loss of the Oak Ridges Moraine

A picture-perfect vista of soft, rolling hills where wild turkey, deer and coyote once roamed has been reduced to a lifeless, razed and barren...

High Winds All Day, Hydro Pole Tipping on Bayview Avenue

Last time I checked, the hydro pole on Bayview Avenue just North of St. John's sideroad in Newmarket was still tipping and the road...

Need for Temporary Fix for Excessive Application of Road Salt in Aurora

It is an observation, but I think that Town of Aurora is applying road salt a little excessively. Salt, in general is a good...

You Are No Longer Donating Textile Waste, But Dumping Instead

Disturbingly, this is not the first time I observed a donation site turning into a community dumping site. It is not the first time...

What Colour Is Your Belt? Ontario Greenbelt

By K. Taylor, Aurora ON.  For reasons that eludes me, we are fond of describing tracts of land as “belts.” There’s America’s rust belt...

Trees First, Glenway Development Underway

Golf courses, like Glenway development, in our neighbourhood may be a 'thing of the past'. The next generation definitely has different interests and golf may...

Keeping Aurora Green? Aurora Tree By-Law

By Paul McIntosh, Aurora ON. It doesn’t take long here in Aurora as you drive around in and just outside of town before you...

Aurora not Right Place for Clear Bags, My Opinion

Response to: Letter to the Editor, Take another look at clear bags, says clear bag proponent, November 25, 2015. As the time passes, the...

Tree Removal Policy for Aurora Ontario, How Effective?

Tree removal policy for Aurora, exactly how effective? I always thought that the shiny metal tag with an engraved number and attached to the tree...

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