Building a sustainable community in the Town of Aurora—one that promotes sustainable living by reducing the use of Earth’s natural resources—is my next topic for Aurora’s 2031 Strategic Plan.
We all know that the concept of a sustainable community or lifestyle is not new. With the growing buzz around climate change worldwide (too hot or too cold), we recognize that change must happen as soon as possible. Collaboration is key, but it’s important to remember that sustainable living begins within our own homes before extending to others.

The Ridgewood, Aurora
In 20 years, I will be 60. My goal is to return to a more sustainable way of living, similar to my early childhood years when walking was my primary means of transportation. I walked to school, to the store, to church, and even to a bus station as far as 3 km away from home. Biking wasn’t an option—only the eldest child was given a bike, and that wasn’t me.
Yesterday, I read an article in The Auroran titled “Wells Street Facade is Utmost Priority, School Owner Says” [The Auroran, Week of November 22, 2011, Page 1, 8], which discussed the future of Wells Street Public School.

The local newspaper reported: “Joanne Birch … form Wells Street Schoolhouse Lofts, told The Auroran that the new owners were attracted to the heritage building both for the beauty of the building itself and the opportunity to build in Aurora as a well known community. Aside from the building itself and the Town in which it stands, Ms. Birch said her company was also attracted by additional amenities including the proximity to Yonge Street shopping, GO Transit, and being so close to the idyllic Town Park.”
Good start. Good thinking. A first step to sustainable community living on Wells Street. We need more builders or developers to think like that.
We have 20 years to build, and we also have data from the past to work with. A perfect example is the closure of the Foodland store on St. Andrew’s Shopping Centre on October 29, 2011. This left local residents without a nearby grocery store, especially the elderly, who rely on public transportation.

Foodland, Now Closed, Aurora
If you note my first paragraph, I said “sustainable community,” not “communities.” Yes, I want to see Aurora in 2031 as one cohesive, sustainable community—an integration of sustainable sub-communities, or a network of interconnected sub-communities. We all need to work together.
The best part is figuring out how to achieve this. It won’t happen overnight, so we must act now. Even with the Strategic Plan on the horizon, the change must start today. We don’t want to begin building a sustainable community in 2031; we want to already be a sustainable community by then.
What I have in mind is introducing more high-density housing for future developments and placing limits on population growth to secure more green space. I’m not advocating for skyscrapers, but for developments that reduce the residential footprint, leaving us with more natural land around us.
Some may argue that this could increase traffic on the roads, but that shouldn’t be the case if residents have access to basic amenities within walking distance.
For example, a grocery store, medical/dental offices, a restaurant or food court, a bus station, more bike racks, and access to walking, hiking, and biking paths should all be integrated into the residential development. Stores can easily be built underground, just like they are above ground. The goal is not to attract visitors from outside, especially those who drive. Residents should have the option to commute to work or school by bus, bike, or even walk. Many of them may even work within their own community.
I know, I know – we already have a few similar developments in Aurora, but they are just shops. How often do I need a wedding gown compared to a carton of milk? Once for the gown, but milk every week. You tell me which is more beneficial.

The Ridgewood, Aurora
The message is clear: we need rules, bylaws, and plans implemented to build a sustainable community for the future of Aurora. It may not be possible with the current developments in the town, but there is still a lot of potential land to be developed, and I hate to see it being filled carelessly.
Marvin said: November 29, 2011 at 01:03
“I think three- and four-story condos aren’t bad, but I lived in those huge apartment towers over in Mississauga, and I thought it was icky. Too much humanity crammed into too little space. The closer together people are packed, the less civilized they are, in my experience. I hope Aurora never goes the way of Mississauga.”
Anna Lozyk Romeo said: December 20, 2011 at 23:50
“Having buildings that are too tall isn’t always a good thing. I understand what you’re saying about Mississauga – they have some really tall skyscrapers there, ha ha. The newest one even looks a bit strange.“