When you see children climbing or sitting on top of hydro transformer boxes shown here, let them know that it is actually dangerous to do so. These boxes are installed to step down high voltage electricity from the hydro transmission lines to the normal 110-volt household current.
Once I came across few teenagers near school kicking one of those hydro transformer boxes and pulling at the green cabin doors. When I told them what it was, they left it alone. Warning labels on some of those transformer boxes are very small or rarely visible, and many times ignored. However, someone must have realized that these warning labels were in fact too small. After living on the same street for 20 years, changes finally came through. Some of these boxes were replaced with a larger warning labels. Some of these boxes will rust over time and probably that is why some on our street were replaced.
Transformer boxes are safe otherwise they would not have been placed near our driveways. However, there are potential dangers if they become damaged via vandalism or vehicle accidents. Again, I have seen children climbing these boxes. Tell your children not to put their fingers or sticks or try to open them as per above incident I have witnessed.