Asking how to survive winter in the Town of Aurora with children is a bit of extreme. Perhaps I should ask this, what to do with children in the winter in the Town of Aurora? Since I have been actively spending more time outside during this winter, I have to tell you that there is a lot of interesting things for a one person or a whole family to do. Instead of watching calendar and counting days to spring I made best of this winter.
I came across of many people who said “I am tired of winter.” I came across of few people who said “suck it up, get dressed.” And so I did.
For the record, we definitely had an interesting weather patterns this winter. We had beautiful days below -10 C and in a matter of a day the Arctic air arrived with chills to our bones at -41 C with the windshield.
Fresh air is a must. Especially on the weekend we can get so comfortable and avoid getting out. Grocery can wait. I can clean the snow on Monday morning. Let’s have a pajama day all weekend long. These are a few corny excuses we used to make up just to stay away from cold. This is the thing of the past. Many different winter activities through out the town kept us busy, walking, hiking, sledding and skating. And when not in the mood we visited indoor art exhibition at the Aurora Cultural Centre or we were hiding among million books in our local Aurora Public Library. We are regular Aurora Farmers’ Market and Artisan Fair goers in the summer and we are now in the winter, and we are regulars at the Town Park for the Arctic Adventure every Family Day weekend. We usually don’t stay that long as it always turn out to be a very cold day, but we come.
Dashing through the Sheppard’s Bush Conservation Area can be lot of fun walking and going down hill in some places. You can do the same through the Aurora Community Arboretum. The Nokiidaa Trail Link or Oak Rigdes Trails often overlap the Sheppard’s Bush and the Arboretum. The hills at the Copeland Park on Orchard Heights will give you roller coaster chills going down and will warm you up when climbing the hill back up.
Lots of places to skate. Regular public skating at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC)is where we go for inside skating. We have been at the Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) few times as a school skating trip. And if you like to skate outside Town Park is the place or at the Matchell Park (check with the Town for more places.) I also see many ponds are being used by some kids. I never see them, but I do come across hockey nets left behind. Yes, you can survive winter.
So if you feel like winter is never ending, instead of dwelling on how many days left to spring get out and enjoy the winter throughout the Town. We have plenty places to enjoy! Don’t think about the cold, just have fun. However, when it is really cold then plenty to do indoors and library is always fun.
Some interesting facts about the February 2015, Historic cold and global warming can co-exist: Here’s how.