Friday, January 24, 2025

Sport Aurora All Candidates Meeting, Last Coverage Before Election

This coverage of the Sport Aurora All Candidates meeting on October 11th, 2018 held at the Aurora Legion on Industrial Parkway was the third scheduled debate and meeting held over the last couple of weeks in Aurora following those organized by the Aurora Public Library on September 30th and by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce on October 3rd.

Today is also the first day of online voting; however, for those of you that are still undecided, the following Sport Aurora sports and recreation focused mayoral debate, questions and answer period for all candidates may be worth watching. We have also put together an Aurora Votes 2018 page that consists of a list of all candidates and their respective website links where available.

We hope that all the information we have gathered over the last couple of weeks can help each voting Aurora resident make their final decision to elect our Mayor, six Councillors, and School Board Trustees. We also hope that those who were not able to attend any of the meetings will still take the time to learn about Aurora’s Municipal Elections 2018 candidates, especially those who jumped into the race for the first time. Good luck to all of you in this election and for the next election we already have a few ideas how to make this kind of coverage even better, and hopefully reduce some of the shakiness in the videos.

Aurora Mayoral Candidates Debate

Aurora Council Candidates Sport and Recreation Matter

Q&A Period, Aurora Mayoral & Council Candidates

Aurora Mayoral Candidates Last Thoughts

Sport Aurora
Sport Aurora


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