Last week we experienced a spring like winter that ended with a major snow storm right across York Region. On Friday (January 12th), I found myself downtown Aurora driving in with freezing rain pellets pounding my car and driving out with fluffy heavy wet dancing snow plastering my car from all directions.

Traffic on Yonge Street was slowing down. Roads were slippery. Cleaning the car was endless. A fire truck zoomed by screaming with a siren message “get out of my way.” Gabriel’s Cafe closed for good and awaiting new beginnings. Looking back at Yonge Street from Mosley Street, no Aurora United Church there, but that too will change soon.
It was also my last visit to the Aurora Old Library demolition site; but it was snowing so hard that I only spent there a few minutes. The Priestly Demolition crew was still on site. My fingers were freezing and camera was getting wet, but I did get my last shot of that “brown” wall of the library.
Today the view of the demolition site of the Old Library was very much different, it seemed brighter. Brighter not just because it was a sunny day, but because it’s now an open space that will be waiting for a new beginning as well.
Aurora Snow Storm on Yonge Street

Aurora Snow Storm on Mosley Street

Aurora Snow Storm on Victoria Street

“Sometimes painful endings bring the best new beginnings.” ~ Shae Ross

“As the bricks fell and the metal beams were picked and sorted from the rubble, Aurora’s first purpose-built library, the Town’s centennial gift to itself, faded into history. Fading along with it were three generations’ worth of memories dear to so many local families.” Source: Memories of the Old Library: 56 Victoria Street comes down
Anna Lozyk Romeo, Editor’s Notes
Aurora, ON