After extensive effort, I’ve reached a point where I must concede defeat. At this time, I’ve made the decision to temporarily halt my search for the Woodland Pet Cemetery, also known as Woodlawn, in Aurora.
I encountered numerous obstacles that made me question whether I should continue. I sought answers from multiple people, but never received a clear response. Finally, in September, I received a Happy Woodland report from the Manager of Heritage Planning & Urban Design at the Town of Aurora, along with information gathered from five different sources.
Just as I was about to get the chance to visit, I’m deciding to pass—because, really, all I need are ghostly animals in my backyard, LOL.
But then, someone came through for me. One of my readers from Aurora sent me three pictures from the pet cemetery. They mentioned that there were more than 200 headstones, many made of granite and still in great condition.
One of the photos they sent included a simple headstone for the pets of Anne Elizabeth and Victor Blochin, the owners of the pet cemetery.

Headstone, Pets of Anne Elizabeth and Victor Blochin
‘…Farewell, farewell !
Depart in peace, dwell ye unvexed forever.
‘T is after all but little ye can know.
Did once the bitter cup, which we must drain.
But touch your lips, not, then, as we do now.
Could ye find words to sing the praise of Nature.
Then might ye tell,
How man’s misfortune makes his fate sublime.
Farewell, farewell !
Wend ye your ways in the unshadowed fields.
No wish have we that ye should taste distress
The great unhappiness is ours alone.
We, only, know to dread what is unknown.
But, thus, being doomed we yet find words to bless.
Farewell, farewell !
Wend ye your ways in the unshadowed fields. …’
~ from Chant of a Woodland Spirit, by Robert Burns Wilson

Headstone, Peter ‘French’

Billy, Buddy, Bonnie, Edwards Beauty
A bit of current information was also provided by a lady named Kelli who broadcast her message on the Aurora Citizen blog in November 2010.
“I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the Aurora Pet Cemetery? I have recently visited the “secret” cemetery (I had to trespass of course but it was well worth it)! I captured 100 plus pictures of pet head stones dating back to the early 1900′s right up until the early 80′s. You can find all kinds of different pets ranging from dogs, cats, birds and bunnies! For any pet lover it pulls at your heart strings and doesn’t let go …… the shame is that a developer has purchased the land and will be destroying what I think is quite a significant piece of Auroras history and quite interesting as well. I have been investigating this land mark all summer long and would love to share my findings with someone who might like to help me bring some “visibility” to this very unique and touching part of our town….. at the very least it would be nice to profile it, if not save some of the head stones that exist there (although I counted easily 200 plus) of the ones that I could find.” Source: Aurora Pet Cemetary to be Developed.
As of today, we don’t know what is going to happen to the Happy Woodland pet cemetery. The rumour is that it was sold to the developer and the land is going to be developed. It is an amazing piece of Aurora history that may be gone forever.
Now you may ask, who was Robert Burns Wilson?
Robert Burns Wilson was an American painter and poet (born 1850 in Parker, Pennsylvania; died March 30, 1916 in Brooklyn, New York). He was also the father of Anne Elizabeth (Wilson) Blochin.
Anne Elizabeth (Wilson) Blochin’s grandmother was Elizabeth Anna.
“Robert Burns Wilson was born on Oct. 30, 1850 in Pennsylvania. His father, Thomas M. Wilson, was a builder and architect. His mother, Elizabeth Anna McLean, hailed from Hanover County Virginia. His father died while Wilson was just a boy.” Source:
Anne Elizabeth (Wilson) Blochin was Robert Burns Wilson’s only daughter.
“Finally, in March of 1901, Wilson married to Ann Hendrick. Wilson was 50 years old and his young bride was 20 years old. Following their wedding ceremony, the newlyweds spent some time with Ann’s parents in New York before moving back to Frankfort. They settled into a couple rooms in a house located on West Fourth Street. It was there that Robert and Ann Wilson’s only daughter was born on Nov. 28, 1902. Her name was Ann Elizabeth Wilson.” Source:
“Wilson’s daughter, Ann, was one source of joy during his struggles in New York. Wilson allegedly said to a friend, “Oh, if I only had my Kentucky hills to inspire me, I could do better work in both writing and painting.” Source:
Was Happy Woodland named related to “Chant of a Woodland Spirit,” a work by Ann Elizabeth’s father, Robert Burns Wilson? Possible.
“In 1887, Wilson compiled his first collection of poems in a 268-page volume titled “Life and Love.” In 1894, his second volume, “Chant of a Woodland Spirit,” was published and dedicated to his Frankfort friend, John Fox, Jr.” Source:
I could not find any references to whether Anne Elizabeth and Victor Blochin had any children. My assumption is that they did not. Anne Elizabeth (Wilson) Blochin is buried at the Aurora Cemetery. According to a report from the Historical Society, when Victor Blochin was still alive, the property was sold to the owners of Kennel Inn. Victor Blochin continued to live in his house and worked as a consultant to Kennel Inn until he passed away. Mr. Blochin died in February of 1978. His grave must also be at the Aurora Cemetery.
The only legacy left behind by the Blochins is the Happy Woodland pet cemetery that still stands today in the Town of Aurora, Ontario. I may be giving up on finding photos, but I am not giving up on searching for more stories. I am not sure if there is more to uncover.
1. Digital copy of Book Chant of a Woodland Spirit by Robert Burns Wilson.
2. Robert Burns Wilson, Wiki Bio.
Marvin said: October 30, 2011 at 00:26
“I see you blogging! 😉 That’s very cool about the pet cemetery. My darling wife’s favorite dog is buried in a pet cemetery in Denver. She still misses that dog terribly. I was never that attached to my pets so I don’t really get it, but it was important to her so I respect that. Ghosts can’t hurt you. At least, they haven’t hurt me, and I’ve met several. Most are unaware of our existence – they’re more like echoes, nonsentient. Some are sentient and aware, and annoyed that they’re now disembodied. I’ve only met a few of those. I don’t like them. I’m sorry ghosts creep you out! They’re like germs, really – they’re everywhere. You just have to learn to ignore them.”