Happy Woodlawn (Woodland) was the Canada’s first and only pet cemetery situated here Aurora, Ontario. It was privately own by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blochin.
If according to the article “the cemetery was laid out 11 years ago …” then taking into consideration the newspaper age it must have been from 1927 or 1930’s. I am trying to figure out the real name, as different sources call the pet cemetery Happy Woodlawn, and some Happy Woodland. On the end does it really matter.
Canada’s Only Pet Cemetery
“Located Near Aurora Is Abloom With Flowers on the Graves Dogs, Cats, Canary, Horse Buried There.
Sweet peas, tulips, daffodils and hyacinths bloom in Happy Woodland, Canada’s only pet cemetery where $50 caskets and plain graves mark the burial places of favorite animals.
A solidier’s horse lies in the cemetery and a canary whose body was sent from Winnipeg rests beneath a spreading shade tree. But dogs and cats occupy most of the plots.
The cemetery was laid out 11 years ago by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blochin as a burial place for their pets, but gradually it has become a public place. As its fame has spread the bodies of animals have been sent to Aurora from many parts of the Dominion.“
“Colile and a Monkey
A 10-year-old boy brought his collie. Soon afterwards the collie’s friend Peter, a monkey, followed.
Most of the owners ask only that their pets be buried in simple shrouds with plain headstones over the graves. There are many expensive caskets and memorials, though, among the long, soft grass and swaying flowers.“
REFERENCE: Flesherton Ontario Advance 1938-1941.
I am not stopping here because I wanted to know more about Mr. and Mrs. Blochin. Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Blochin and Mr. Victor Blochin were interesting people. I shall tell you in the next post.
Read People Behind The Pet Cemetery, Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Blochin, Part IV.
Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON