Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wells Street Public School: Hard to Believe It’s Private Property

On the way home from Town Park on Monday, we passed by Wells Street School. Although it’s no longer an active school, it will always be remembered as a part of our community.

The last time I took photos, I was able to access the property, as only the damaged section of the school was fenced off. Now, the entire property is surrounded by a fence with ‘No Trespassing’ signs. After all, the property is privately owned by Wells Street Schoolhouse Lofts Inc.

Wells Street Public School, Fenced

It has been quiet for a while, with no news—though something will eventually be written about the school.

Yes, I’m patiently awaiting my free issue of Hēritage magazine, a quarterly publication from the Hēritage Canada Foundation, a non-profit organization. Last December, I was contacted and asked if they could use one of my images in exchange for a free issue of Hēritage. I agreed.

Wells Street Public School, Photo To Be Published in Hēritage Magazine

Hēritage Canada Foundation has a long track record for raising awareness for heritage conservation, saving heritage properties across Canada, and engaging Canadians in keeping their own historic places alive. The Foundation has successfully encouraged governments at all levels to adopt programs, policies and legislation for the protection and stewardship of historic places, heritage buildings and cultural landscapes.” Source: Hēritage Canada Foundation, About Us.

Our beautiful quarterly magazine Hēritage celebrates places that matter to Canadians, provides in-depth coverage of current heritage issues and success stories, and shares practical tips for homeowners.” Source: Hēritage Canada Foundation, About Us.

Wells Street Public School

Unfortunately, Hēritage magazine is available to members only. If you’re a member, you’ll be able to read about Wells Street Public School in the upcoming issue.


chuck said: March 14, 2012 at 15:55

You will never know how sad I am about what they are doing to the school. I wrote two books where the school played a prominent role.

Anna Lozyk Romeo said: March 21, 2012 at 19:09

Chuck, welcome to my blog. Yes it is sad that school had to go, but I still say that it is better than demolishing. Thanks again. BTW I read one of your books, well written.


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