Wednesday, December 4, 2024



By Law No Dumping Dumb Ditty Dump Dump Dump

Short and sweet. Why do people dump in front of the No Dumping sign? Yes, in front, around, and as close as possible to...

Ladies Please Do Not Cheat In Class

Today I thought I would do a little experiment since I had an opportunity. "Forty side kicks each side, the last person to finish will...

Rabbit Chain Reaction, How Wacky Is That?

We have a little bunny in our backyard. I see him all the time. They grow so fast, so every day I take some...

My Ducts Cleaning Special Promotion, I Do Not Think So

A few days ago, I received a call from an unknown number and an unknown name. It turned out to be a telemarketer call....

Next Time Around I Will Knock Your Bluetooth Out

I find myself in various locations within Aurora from time to time. I often encounter amusing or intriguing situations that I believe are worth...

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