Dear Santa, my Christmas Wish:
I know you’re very busy and you have a lot to do, but I have
some special Christmas wishes and I hope that they come true.
I’ve tried to talk to governments, it was important that they
knew, but they just ignored my pleas, so I had to write to you.
I know you think of children, that’s always been your task.
I’d like to make the powerful ensure our good earth lasts.
And now addressing hunger, it’s a problem as you know.
Could you make our good, food cheaper so all kids can eat and grow?
I’d like more jobs for all the folks who really need to work.
Buying things made overseas is causing so much hurt.
We used to make our clothing, our purses, shoes and
sweaters: we could make everything again. This sure would make things better.
I’d really like the government to spend on renewable fuels
like water, air and sunshine and obey environment rules.
Also if you could stop the wars please – those in the Middle
East. Maybe if we could talk not fight we could have lasting peace.
And if you can, I think it’s best to tax the ultra wealthy,
especially bankers and corporations that are making the economy unhealthy.
So that’s about it for this year. I know I’ve asked a lot. The
politicians don’t answer, as I said, so you’re the last hope I’ve got.
Yours truly,
Elizabeth Hearn Milner
Bracebridge, ON
P.S. If you can do something about Mayor Ford that would be really great. Then there’s the Senate. That’s a very big problem, but I have to ask. Can you just make it go away? My Christmas wish.

Editor’s Notes: Elizabeth Hearn Milner grew up in Aurora from 1945 to 1965. She is a historian, a lecturer, a writer, and a painter. She has degrees from several universities and has taught for over 30 years. She wrote several books including Aurora 1945-1965, An Ontario Town at a Time of Great Change and her latest Aurora Memories and More available from Aurora Historical Society (Hillary House) and at the Caruso and Co. both located at Yonge Street in Aurora ON.