Monday, February 10, 2025

Aurora Family Leisure Complex Youth Centre Grand Opening

The Aurora Family Leisure Complex Youth Centre grand opening is happening this weekend (May 2nd, 2015). The Youth Centre Grand Opening a ribbon cutting ceremony and lots of fun activities afterwards. It is going to be a busy weekend around the Town though. The Aurora Farmers’ Market & Artisan Fair will be open for the season as well.

I may drop by to see the Youth Centre. I am interested to see the youth graffiti on display. I photographed ‘youth in action‘ creating the graffiti art specifically for the centre last summer during the Canada day celebrations (2014).

If you are confused like I was for a while there were two projects for AFL Complex running in parallel, one of them is still running. One was to create a space for the Youth Centre in the Aurora Family Leisure Complex and the second one was to partially renovate the Complex. New findings that needed a fix continued to surface that unfortunately put the project over-budget and over-time. Believe it or not new repairs keep coming up for the Complex. Perhaps that’s what happens when buildings are too old to be renovated.

“Youth comes but once in a lifetime.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Town of Aurora had a regular ad published in the Auroran on the Aurora Family Leisure Complex renovations project that started back in 2013; therefore I wasn’t really inclined to follow the project closely. At some point these updates stopped. Communication stopped. The project ran into issues. Perhaps there was no more money to pay for the ads. Perhaps the motivation wasn’t there anymore.

Well, I didn’t follow closely the Aurora Family Leisure Complex renovations, but I did manage to capture a few memorable moments as an outside observer. A few being the outside reconstruction, youth working on the graffiti art for the Youth Centre, and the disappearing sign. Disappearing sign? Yes, depending on which angle you look at the Aurora Family Leisure Complex wall, the sign can be seen or not seen. However, whether I see the sign or not, I am interested to revisit the final graffiti art in the Aurora Family Leisure Complex Youth Centre, either this weekend or perhaps at a later time.

Aurora Family Leisure Complex, May 21st, 2014

Youth Centre Grand Opening
Youth Centre Grand Opening

Aurora Family Leisure Complex, July 1st, 2014

Youth Centre Grand Opening
Youth Centre Grand Opening
Youth Centre Grand Opening

Aurora Family Leisure Complex, December 12th, 2014

Youth Centre Grand Opening

Aurora Family Leisure Complex, February 5th, 2015

Youth Centre Grand Opening

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON


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