Monday, February 10, 2025

Aurora Family Day at the Town Park, Arctic Adventure 2015

Arctic Adventure is the Aurora Family Day event celebrated at the Town Park each year. All the fun winter activities are geared mainly towards children. Lots of fun activities are guaranteed every year. No matter how cold it is every year we make a point to attend this event at the Town Park. It is good to get out and condition our bodies as well. I believe Arctic Adventure 2015 during Aurora Family Day is the fourth annual event for the families in Aurora. But even if you are not an Aurora resident I am sure you can attend. We are situated a little further North so if you are coming next year be prepared for the winter cold. Dress warmly.

We always have a great time but only for a short period of time. Yesterday was an extremely cold day at -40 C.  We were fortunate that chill did not carry over to Family Day today. With the sun’s help we were able to have a bit of fun at -21 C with no windshield factor.

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” ~ Michael J. Fox

By the time we arrived at the Town Park perhaps many people were already gone. We kept moving from one place to another just to keep warm. We did get a chance to do a few activities out of many. It was great not to have many lines to wait in as well. If you were not moving you were definitely freezing but after all, the event is called Arctic Adventure for a reason. Snowshoeing looked like lots of fun, skipped. Tubing was fun for my little boy since he didn’t have to wait in line.  He got a few chances to go down.

Aurora Family Day
Aurora Family Day

Fishing in the toy pond is always fun but today the pond was frozen with slush. Perhaps it should have been converted to “ice fishing.” Golfing, we made it half way and the hands started to freeze. A few brave Aurora skaters were zooming around the ice rink.

Native dancing was fun to watch. Taking it from the dancers, I think we all should have done it. The dancers didn’t look cold at all. Moving around does help.

Aurora Family Day
Aurora Family Day
1946 – 2021

Bonfire as always, was well attended.

Aurora Family Day

Furthermore we did follow the path to the Aurora Farmers’ Market & Artisan Fair at the former Aurora Armoury building. After that we left for home. The three of us, three frozen bodies. Enjoy the photo gallery and hope to see you again next year. If I missed anything here or in the photos forgive me. I had a good excuse – it was cold.

Aurora Family Day

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON


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