Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Rotary Park, A Face-lift In The Near Future

We drove by on a rainy day, and it was just so green there.

I never knew about Rotary Park in Aurora. As soon as I read that it will be having a makeover, I jumped on the wagon with my camera to take some pictures. Okay, okay, I was driven by my husband to check the park out – my personal driver so I could handle the camera. I love parks and I am planning to explore all of them in Aurora.

According to The Auroran article ‘Rotary will pay to improve park‘ [Week of May 17, 2011 Issue, pg 8], the park is the oldest park in Aurora. The park runs from Gurnett Street to Cousins Drive.

Furthermore, The Auroran failed to tell me that it is also a very beautiful park indeed. Not to give out any encouragement, but if I were going to get married again, I would probably take my wedding photos there.

Rotary Park, Town of Aurora

Like I said, the park is beautiful and magical. Yes, benches could be replaced, but the trees and flora look so natural. We drove by on a rainy day, and it was just so green there. I didn’t really go in because we had to head home for lunch, but I snapped some pictures from outside. After all, if it is getting a face lift, then we must have before and after photos. I hope that the future face lift will maintain the natural look of the park. However, I am planning to go back inside just to make sure that the park’s beauty remains intact.

Rotary Park, Town of Aurora

Aha, Rotary Park? Interesting name, so I did some research. There was something I did not know, I must admit – what is the function of Rotary Club of Aurora? You will actually find out by reading my blog, how much stuff I don’t know still. But then some of us have only lived here for 10 years and travel long distances for work. How much time do you get to see your town if you are on the road all the time? Working close to home these days is a dream job, and I am fortunate to have the dream job for a few more years until my little bird goes to school, my Matthew.

Rotary Park, Town of Aurora

So I did some research on the Rotary Club. I must say I am very impressed by their community portfolio.

Our community projects have included placing defibrillators on the local fire trucks, providing computers to schools for disabled students, and sponsoring a park and walking trail. We help with blood donor clinics, run social bingos at seniors homes, and support community activities, organizations, and events including the local hospitals, the Salvation Army, awards for high school students, a camp to develop business skills in high school students, and a youth leadership program. We also target assistance specifically to the disabled or those in need. Some of our recent tasks are: Our club donated $100,000 to the construction of the Aurora Public Library, and the rounded part of the library is now called the Rotarium. We also paid for the fully accessible playground at Public school. We paid for the trophy case in the Aurora Leisure Complex. In 2008, we donate $30,000 to the Southlake Regional Cancer Centre.Source: Rotary Club of Aurora

Rotary Park, Town of Aurora

It pays to be curious and to ask questions. I hope you learned something new with me today.

Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.

Arnold Edinborough


Butterfly said: June 13, 2011 at 22:12

I am just going to say for the record (in case anyone with influence reads and takes note) that I would love to see a Willow tree planted in the Arboretum, along side the stream where it bends nearing the St. John’s Sideroad exit at Industrial Parkway. A young tree would do well there given the natural source of water, and willows are quick to grow so it would make a wonderful investment for the Arboretum. Your photograph of Rotary park’s Willows inspired me to make that suggestion!


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