For those who do not have the chance to follow the progress of the Nokiidaa Trail Link through the marsh, I thought I would post a few images. This is also a follow-up from the previous post about the work in progress, ‘Nokiidaa Trail Link Through the McKenzie Marsh Work in Progress’. The main part of the link, the boardwalk, seems to be almost done. It looks great, and we now have the observation deck. I am surprised that the railing is ‘horizontally planked‘ and does not match the current boardwalk on the St. John’s Sideroad.
As the McKenzie Marsh off St. John’s Sideroad has a landmark tree where cormorants usually rest, this one will have one too. It is always nice to see something that stands out. I wonder which bird will be the primary occupant of that tree.
On Sunday, I took pictures from the Hadley Grange and St. John’s Sideroad intersection. I was at the peak overlooking the whole marsh. I am sure everyone noticed the high winds this weekend. I had to discard many images, as the wind was really blowing me away and I ended up with many blurred images.
Despite the cold weather and construction activity, birds are very active in the marsh – flying over and playing in the water, something I wouldn’t do in such cold weather. I don’t see much variety from this far, but Canada Geese seem to be taking over.
The next step is probably to find out what is going on beyond the boardwalk – closer to the Newmarket trail. Right now, it looks like a mess with piles of dirt. The soil must be very healthy there, as every time I see it, it looks really dark, similar to the soil in Holland Marsh. I hope all this dirt moving is not for the parking lot; it would be such a shame.
Chris said: June 26, 2011 at 00:58
“Hi Anna, the trail was opened today (June 26, 2011). It’s really nice and there’s a lot of bird activity. It’s much better than riding on Yonge St. to head north on the trails. Chris”
Anna Lozyk Romeo said: June 27, 2011 at 15:39
“Thanks for the update Chris. I walked today (Monday), and as you said it is very nice. The water is so close to the boardwalk, the view is amazing, and more nature activities.”