Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Intriguing Building, 15297 Yonge Street

Very little can be found about this intriguing building located at 15297 Yonge Street, little North of Centre Street.

This is the only excerpt I came across from Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District, The Plan, 2006, page 43: “The decorative concrete block apartment building at 15297 Yonge Street. Although much deteriorated today due to the effects of spray and vibration from Yonge Street, the concrete block terrace row represents an early and innovative example of workers housing from the early 20th Century using what was then a relatively new type of construction material. If retained, the overall form of the building could be considered for adaptive re-use to commercial uses.

15297 Yonge Street

Other Photo Galleries of Yonge Street in the Town of Aurora:

Sunny Days Downtown Aurora, Driving on Yonge Street, Sunset Light
Views at sunset heading North from downtown Aurora.

Yonge Street Front Views, Note the Icicles or Wooden Plaque
Winter views heading South towards Richmond Hill.

Town of Aurora July 1st Canada Day Parade 2014, Yonge Street
Canada Day parade, views taken near Aurora Public Library, Church Street.

Aurora Chamber Street Festival in Many Pictures 2015
Photos of the famous street festival in Aurora, longest walk.

Aurora Street Festival 2014 Community Moments In Colour
This is the only time I get to walk on the middle of the street.

Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON



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