Enjoy While It Lasts, Sheppard’s Bush in Fall Colours. Here I am again. I submerged myself tirelessly in federal politics for 78 long days and now I emerged just in time for the beautiful fall colours. They say shades of green are therapeutic. Perhaps yellows, oranges and browns are colours of letting go. Getting ready for another season. They’re teaser colours of some sort. They’re captivating. ‘I am afraid that those colours will disappear very soon,‘ my friend said. He is right, it is a matter of time and we will see the majority of trees bare. That short transition between fall colours and the loss of all leaves can be detrimental to the viewer. Then the snow will lighten things up. It will either cozy you up or bite you in the nose.
“They’re teaser colours of some sort.”

Last Sunday we woke up to cold weather. A few frosty designs displayed on the windshields were only a small reminder. It’s here, it’s here, the fall. It is the sun that often fools us. The shade lets us experience reality.

The walk in the Sheppard’s Bush was refreshing that day. We explained to our seven year old, ‘in the forest you will breath clean air, you need that pure air.‘ He bought the idea but not totally. Upon arrival at the forest, a man from the Lion’s Club showed us a sneak preview of what’s inside the Sugar Shack for the Haunted Forest. After bumping into a few Zombies inside the shack, ‘Mom and Dad this is the best walk ever‘ he told us joyfully. And so it was for us.
Anna Lozyk Romeo
Aurora, ON