Interesting, the Town of Aurora Youth Committee proposed by Aurora young adults. During the last Town of Aurora Council Meeting on March 18, 2014 a group of young adults came forward to Open Forum in the council chambers with the intent to establish an Aurora Youth Advisory Committee. Town staff is going to investigate further; however, it was clearly stated that staff is going to listen to these young adults first. Almost all Councillors and Mayor were in favor of the proposed youth committee.
“Developing youth councils can act as a real means of incorporating young people into our communities and can lead to a more safer, vibrant and sustainable community for all residents.” ~ Advice for Local Councils on Creating a Youth Council, Report
Video below filmed at the Town Hall, Aurora, Ontario.
Read here to learn more: “Aurora’s youth want a voice in local matters that will have a direct impact on them. … “As a committee, our goal is to create a platform to provide for the youth of Aurora a voice at the Town level,” said Lin. “We want to be able to identify and bring forward issues that affect the youth of Aurora and act as an advisory group to Council and advise on issues related to youth. We would also like to promote and get youth involved in Town events as we think it is very important to bridge the gap between the adult community and the youth in Aurora.” Source: Aurora students want say in the decisions impacting them

Town of Aurora Council Meeting March 18, 2014 [Mayor Geoffrey Dawe; Councillor John Abel; Councillor Michael Thompson; Councillor Sandra Humfryes; Councillor John Gallo; Councillor Wendy Gaertner; Councillor Chris Ballard; Councillor Paul Pirri].