Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Aurora Family Leisure Complex Renovations, Public Input

The Aurora Family Leisure Complex (AFLC) renovation has become a topic of concern for many Aurora residents.  The AFLC was closed for renovations for more than a year and re-opened February 28, 2015.  Public concerns being voiced include lack of communication, misunderstanding of the needs, poor planning, and project mismanagement.  The main issues seem to be related to the state of the facility since re-opening as well as the changes implemented as part of the renovation.

A Special Town Council Meeting took place on April 14, 2015 and started at 5:30 pm allowing members of the public to speak about the Aurora Family Leisure Complex.  Although the meeting was very informative and well attended, it seemed unfortunate that the forum for public input was being held after the fact. To add insult to injury, the project has run over budget and behind schedule.

“What we are missing, utterly and completely, in this government is accountability.” ~ Paul Hawken

The following YouTube video highlights some of the community frustration over the recent renovations at the complex. It can be gathered that the AFLC is a well attended facility and when the priority was set on addition of a new Youth Centre, the needs of the existing members and functionality of the facilities were somewhat neglected. During the Special Town Council Meeting members addressed many Aurora Family Leisure Complex functional issues with the facilities, administration and booking, provided fix and improvement recommendations, and asked for accountability.

This YouTube video covers comments from the public only. Be sure to watch the video to the very end.


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